Monday, April 03, 2006

Just One of Those Days

Ehhh...Today is just one of those days. The weather is gloomy and our network is down. I've called everyone that knows about computers and connections, but it's been a futile effort. Even Cleopatra is in a lethargic state on my lap. When the day gets this unproductive, I like to take a step back and take a breather. I'm going to re-boot over lunch, maybe Indian..that will be a little treat to energize me for this not- so- fabulous day.



Funky to Fabulous said...

Hi Irina,
Here I am in NYC...and it's SNOWING in April. I am proud of you and all that you are doing. Even on a funky day.

Anonymous said...


thank you. Hopefully you're enjoying the snow, you don't get to see that in LA. Have a great time!

Funky to Fabulous said...

Thanks Irina. That is so true!!!
It reminds me that life is full of surprises.