Friday, May 29, 2009

The Importance of Preparing For The Interview

As an Executive Coach I truly do know the importance of the interview. It is important to have a game plan once you have jumped through all the enormous hurdles to land an interview.

If you find you are not having luck with landing interviews, please take a look at these important articles to help get you to the interview: They will give you tools to get focused, burn your one page resume and network so that you get your foot in the door.

It's important to have your Game On! Once you are contacted for an interview respond back quickly to the internal employee who contacted you. Get all their contact information and what their role is in the interviewing/ hiring process. Be professional, accessible and engaging no matter what their role. You are being evaluated from this first contact. Take a few moments to breathe and get very centered before you call or email.

Never underestimate the power of being prepared!!

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