Thursday, October 01, 2009

Burn Your Resume - 5 Tips for finding a job.

This morning I was on KSEE Sunrise and talked with Faith Sidlow. I was recognized as a Reinvention Expert for the Today Show and talked about reinventing ourselves while job searching.

Click here to go to KSEE and read the article and watch the video here!

Read the News Story below:

In 18 months Davidson lost her marriage, health and business leaving her with $88,000 in credit card debt. Davidson shares tools that she used to dig out of her own ‘meltdown’ a decade ago.
The tools she shares transforms lives. She is The Today Show’s “Reinvention Expert”. Davidson was named one of "America's Best Coaches" due to the consistent results her clients achieved. Her work was the cover story of Kiplinger’s Magazine, As a featured columnist with Deepak Chopra and The Huffington Post her coaching tips go to 21 million readers each month. Her book, Funky to Fabulous is an international bestseller.

Burn Your Resume!! 5 Tips for finding a job:

1. Don't Look for a Job- Look For A PersonStudies show that more than 50% of all new jobs from a personal connection.Instead of sending resumes spend time building your network. Your church, alumni association and social networks like Linked In and Twitter can help you broaden your horizons.

2. Don't Go It AloneMake sure you have a support system other than family members to check in with. Often job seekers isolate. They can help you with the magic formula for getting a job:Attitude + Action + Accountability

3. People FirstCreate a target list of 40 people that can assist you in getting a job.Look to those you admire and ask at least one of them to become a mentor.

4. Burn Your ResumeUsing a one page resume is like driving a horse and buggy. Sending a one page resume is a waste of your time.Take two hours to go through your work history to look more closely at all your accomplishments, and those tasks at which you excel. Revise your resume to reflect this.

5. CustomizeCustomize your resume directly for each job listing.

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