Tuesday, July 11, 2006

How to Thrive Insead of Just Survive

As a successful woman business owner or a woman building your business, you are in one of the most stressed areas of our society. You have the demands of both a busy professional life plus the majority of household chores.

It's easy to get caught in the loop of depression and negative thinking if you aren't taking time for you.

"People with high-demand jobs but little control over those jobs could be at high risk for stress-related heart disease," says Redford Williams, director of the Behavioral Medicine Research Center at Duke University Medical Center.

But there is hope.

An expert in positive psychology, Barbara Fredrickson has found that positive emotions can undo the impact on the heart of negative thinking. Her research is discovering that people who see and feel the positives in daily life bounce back from stress better and sooner than those who don't.

"Hugging your loved ones and counting your blessings are very critical to beginning the path toward recovery," says Fredrickson, a University of Michigan professor.

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