Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Nobel Prize for Peace Goes To.....YOU!

If you are reading this blog, you are probably a woman. Chances are that you are working or own a business. Or that you want to own your own business someday. What does this have to do with you?

Plenty! You are a woman in business and YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD!

Yunus and Grameen Bank http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2006/
won this year's Nobel Peace Prize.
He and his bank lent $5.72 billion to more than six million Bangladeshis. The loans were "micro loans" which helped women start their own tiny businesses. Funds went to buy a cow, chickens or in some cases a cell phone so the village could make phone calls.

97% of the loans went to women.
The loans have been repaid at a rate of 99.7%.

The median income in Bangladesh has doubled since Grameen Bank was established.

Teams of five worked together to repay the loans. No one in the group could get a new loan until everyone in the group had repaid her loan.

What a lesson in
1. Starting with a MICROSCOPIC CHANGE
2. Creating a TEAM

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