Saturday, July 18, 2009

Make A Personal Icon

Dearest Eli,

While you typically write helpful, humorous and inspiring posts, this one is, I believe, the best I have read in months. It is both so introspective and sensitive that it reaches deeply into the inner recesses of our souls (with yours as the vulnerable example) and aptly describes the torment we all endure as we attempt to value ourselves throughout our lives. Yes, we all have our "Inner Michael", our Inner Child, that "brilliant and wounded" tender being we need to nurture and care for. It is just how lovingly how each of us does that, that makes the difference in the adult we are.

Who of us is not harsher and crueler with our selves than we are with others? How overwhelmingly does that discourage our inner light from shining up from deep within our soul, through our eyes ,into the world? Your suggestion of making a personal icon to help protect and grow that tender shoot of self esteem and self value is so caring and thoughtful. I am sure it will inspire many of us to reach back and strenghten our resolve to grow that vulnerable, innocent spirit inside each of us into a strong, loving human being.

Thank you again,
Ron Mirenda

Dear Ron,
I am so very blessed to have the great honor of sharing in profound connection with you. I certainly aim to "attempt to value ourselves throughout our lives. Yes, we all have our "Inner Michael", our Inner Child, that "brilliant and wounded" tender being we need to nurture and care for. It is just how lovingly how each of us does that, that makes the difference in the adult we are."

You are a shining example of a a person with a deep commitment to " resolve to grow that vulnerable, innocent spirit inside each of us into a strong, loving human being."

Thank YOU!!!
Eli Davidson

Read the full article at the Huffington Post!

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