Monday, November 09, 2009

ASK...Make the most of your day

Make the most of your day, ask and expert for advice!

As an executive life coach I encourage my clients to reach out and ask for help.

2. Ask-ercize
Ask the opinions of a blazing variety of folks. Ask your partners, co workers and gulp your family, “How could I do or be better?” Ask unlikely people. If you really listen you will hear amazing answers.

3. Expert-ize
Ask for the opinions of experts. Who is the person you admire most in your field? Pick up the phone and call them. (Sure you may need to do some research first.) The most successful people are often the most generous. Ask them to lunch or to coffee. Just about everyone likes to share their tips for success. Don’t forget to write a thank you note and stay in touch after the meeting.

4. Bye Bye!
If you have anyone that is less than positive in your life- fire them. Yep, say good-bye to your most annoying client, team member, or nasty friend. You'll wished you'd done it a long time ago.

5. Peace Be Still.

While writing my book I turned off the TV. Now, that I have HBO I find some large chunks of time disappearing. Take one day a week to without the car radio on or your i-Pod earphones in. You may be surprised at the wild brilliance that you uncover.

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