Thursday, January 14, 2010

Small Business Owners Diet Tips

For many entrepreneurs, taking care of their health is the very last thing on their 'to do' list. Time and time again I see coaching clients sacrifice their well being to meet the demands of their business.

Since women business owners juggle both work and home , it is even harder. Watching Oprah's battle with weight shows how tough it is for women leaders to put their health first.For many women entrepreneurs, losing weight will be one of life's most difficult challenges.

Ladies! Don't be discouraged if you've tried losing weight in the past and you weren't able to -- or you lost weight but gained it all back. Studies at the Mayo clinic show that any people experiment with several different weight-loss plans before they find an approach that works.

Here Are Some Success Strategies To Help

• Focus your thoughts on the positive outcome for losing weight. Think of your new lifestyle as positive experience, not a negative one.
• Recent studies show that approaching weight loss with a positive attitude will help you succeed.
• Cut your goal in half. Most small business owners are used to setting very difficult goals, and then driving themselves to achieve them.

• In order to set realistic expectations for yourself, take your weight loss in 5 pound increments.

• Focus on behavioral changes and don't focus too much on weight changes.
• Use turnaround techniques. What have been the challenges in the past? Write down the obstacles, and come up with strategies for dealing with those obstacles.
• Make small, not drastic, changes to your lifestyle. Adjustments that are too intense or vigorous can make you uncomfortable and cause you to give up.

Accept the fact that you'll have setbacks. Believe in yourself. Instead of giving up entirely, simply start fresh the next day.

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