Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Are You Terrified to Change Jobs?

In a group coaching session last night I saw the power of women coming together. One of the participants is breaking out of the "corporate cage". It is tough and terrifying.

What will people think? Will I actually make a living? Who am I if I am not the good little girl that does what I am told?

If you are facing the challenge of wanting to live the life of your dreams, one of the best things you can do is to find support. It may not be your spouse. It may not even be your best friend. Often the people close to you have their own self images tied up in keeping the status quo.

Here is a link to an excellent article Seven Steps to A Job You Love by Deirdre McEachern it has solid tips to help you make that change


Anonymous said...

what do i do if my husband doesnt want me to quit my job?

Funky to Fabulous said...

Talk to him. Devise a plan that you can explore doing what you love.

Staying in a job you hate will bring resentment into your relationship. That's something neither of you wants.

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