Friday, February 15, 2008

The Red Carpet, Your Office and Burnt Popcorn

As a motivational speaker, I was fortunate to be on a program with Mariel Hemingway last week. As an Oscar nominee, she talked about her life in the limelight and her journey to love and accept herself.

Do you look at the gorgeous actresses in those gowns and get jealous? Well, don't. Mariel shared that for 3 years she lived on burnt popcorn. Burnt popcorn? Why? Because her diet didn't allow for any oil or salt. Burning the popcorn was the only way to give it some sort of flavor. Many of those stars that look like they are living a life of leisure are subsisting on charred corn.

Why all this talk of burnt popcorn? In my coaching business practice I see that burnout is a huge problem. More and more managers and small business owners are working longer hours, skipping weekends and vacations. The news of the economic downturn is just making matters worse. Before you burn yourself, take some time to take a break. A recent study from Harvard documents that productivity goes down when a person doesn't take regular breaks.

Fab Tip:
Set your PDA with an alarm to eat lunch
Make plans for weekend adventures on Monday and Tuesday.
Get a hobby and have a hobby buddy to double your fun.
Before you burn yourself, take some time to take a break. A recent study from Harvard documents that productivity goes down when a person doesn't take regular breaks.

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