Tuesday, June 02, 2009

How Do I Market Myself?

In todays market you will have to know how to market yourself from the inside out. "As a recruiter, the first thing I notice in a "star" candidate is his/her confidence. It shows up early on paper and later in person. When talking to Nicole Spicer this past weekend she agreed that “A trained eye can spot them with the first email, phone call and as they walk through the door." She is a Fortune 500 recruitment expert!

So first you have to ask yourself: am I aware of my power and will it show up for me throughout the job search and interview process?

This is not about your ego or telling someone how good you are, it is about knowing your personal power and being confident in your abilities. It is authentic; you cannot fake it (or at least not sustain it for long if you do.) If you hesitate on this concept you probably are not there - yet. I cover this topic in depth in my book Funky To Fabulous if you feel this is something you would like to brush up on.

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